January 10, 2010

And so it begins...

the new year, the fresh start, the... wait a minute! 2009 is OVER?! What happened? Where did the time go? Oh wait, in doctor's appointments, teaching, laughing, baking, wiping away tears, giving hugs, managing the fort while Mike was away... THAT's where the time went.

So we'll begin 2010 with attempting to update everyone on 2009... because this slacker Mom just didn't keep the blog on the front burner!

Colin begin kindergarten and after a few weeks of "getting all the rules figure out" really loves it. In fact, he often "can't wait until Monday". If only grown ups felt the same way! He is in a K-1 multi-aged class and it's been a good fit for his personality and learning strengths (for instance, he can read where he needs to read). His favorite subjects are "jolly phonics", recess, and music. He's made new friends and kept a few old ones from his 4K experience. Now if we can just figure out how to get him to complete work we'll be golden! He's taking karate--we're sticklers for the less is more in the activity department--and he tells me he'll get a new belt next week. It's been a great fit for him and a way for me to meet other families in Whitewater.

Ethan and I are enjoying our extra time together. We've started "school" and Mom is his teacher. He loves doing mazes and tracing and has already asked to read. We'll see about that one! And who would've thought, but we think we have a more verbal child on our hands with Ethan. We go to the library every Tuesday, play Zingo almost daily, and he's my best helper. On the mornings I work, he loves being at Jaime's house. "She's my other mom"! We are so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors and friends. He made it through surgery in November for his tonsils and adenoids--and we'd love to report that all is well--but we continue to try and figure out what is wrong with our stuffed up guy. He's a real trooper though and even managed to get through his first round of allergy skin testing in early December. Fingers crossed that his next ENT appointment is a good one.

I continue to work at Gateway Technical College as an adjunct ELL Instructor and then one night a week at a family literacy program here in town. I adore my students, seriously adore them. They teach me so much about humility and being content with what you already have. I'm learning some Korean, Polish, and Spanish along the way as well. This semester I'll also begin doing some work with Adult Basic Education students through the GED orientation process. I'm interested in learning more about this area of programming and figure any more experience will be helpful as I'll soon be looking for full time employment again. (Can Ethan really be turning FOUR this year?!?) When I'm not managing the boys, or preparing for class, or faking my way through keeping house, you'll find me reading, and reading, and reading. Oh, and occasionally making some muffins. I should try and "work out" but, nothing ever seems to beat reading!

Mike is at UWW and most days likes it. He works incredibly hard and is dedicated to being the best teacher he is able to be. He has traveled more frequently than we imagined as he heads back to Minneapolis to play with MN Orchestra and then does gigs in Madison and Green Bay as well. I think he'll head to Iowa in the next few months too. It's been a work in progress trying to keep all of the schedules straight!

We can't forget an update on our little dog Charlie. Our favorite Puerto Rican street dog will soon be nine years old and he's starting to go white. Two days ago he had his third surgery for recurring bladder stones and we seriously hope this will be his last. He still acts like his puppy self, is never more than a few feet from me, cuddles constantly, and will play tennis ball for hours (even in a foot of snow).

Hopefully, most of you saw the famous Dugan Highlights for 2009 and have other interesting tidbits at your fingers.

And now, for the deluge that is the back log of photographs! Enjoy. And rest assured I WILL try and be better!

(For the record, I started this project early this afternoon--and it's taken awhile--but what joy to spend a cold winter day reliving the memories of the summer and early fall. Tomorrow, we'll get the rest up here. And then the stories will continue!)

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