March 01, 2010

Nature Walk

Colin was on his bike as soon as we were parked at home for good today. No matter that the thermometer only read 38 degrees--that felt like a heat wave to these little bodies who have run circles around the house for months. We pulled out Ethan's "Harley Bike" and they were both down the driveway in seconds, only slowing to avoid the remaining ice patches on the concrete. After we filled up the bird feeders, investigated both forts in the backyard, and threw snowballs for Charlie, it was time for the inaugural nature walk. Colin was on his bike, while Ethan was either running or riding in the jogger. We took our time, both boys splashing in the giant puddles, stopping to listen to a bird or check if that was really a rabbit print in the snow. We walked over to the path, around the bend, and then spent almost 20 minutes on top of the bridge over the creek. They were so still watching two pairs of ducks swim and dive and swim and dive. The creek is moving faster now as the melting comes more regularly--and Ethan just kept saying, "Mom, I think it is almost here. Really, it is. The Spring is almost here." Blue skies, the warmth of the sun, birds, and boys wet and covered in mud--sounds like almost spring to me. So much joy to be found in the ordinary days to be sure.

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