March 14, 2010

He's listening...

This morning we walked up to church as usual--overly excited that it was nice enough to walk! Colin happily went with his friend Carson to Sunday School while Mike and I took Ethan to our usual pew. After the required dropping of crayons and a Batman toy, Ethan settled down with his bunny and a few books. Later during the sermon, he pulled my ear close to his face and whispered, "Can we please play whispering I Spy?" I smiled but told him we needed to listen to Pastor Steve. He shrugged. A few minutes later, he pulled me close again.
"Mom, is this real?"
"Is what real Ethan?"
"What this guy is talking all about with the brothers and the pig?"
Whoa, Ethan was listening! Today we heard the parable of Prodigal Son. Imagine the questions that our surprisingly attentive Ethan had in that moment. I answered as quietly and quickly as I could and then he was happy again, content to look at the beautiful glass, snuggle bunny and sit on my lap.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Wow! <3 That's awesome!