Morning arrives and we all manage to get where we need to be ontime. Colin is out the door, Ethan and I have a little "home school", Mike is at work. By 10am I'm playing freeze tag with Colin's class at recess before helping in his classroom and Mike and Ethan are at story hour at the library. By noon, Ethan and I are home finishing lunch, and making some delicious vegan chocolate chip cookies.
And then, things go haywire!
Ethan puts himself into the big blue recliner with the owl blanket and says he doesn't feel good. Upon closer inspection, I realize his face is getting covered in nasty red hives. It was clear that Mr. Cheeseman was in the beginning stages of an allergic reaction. But to what? Nothing new to eat for lunch... oh wait, we were making a newer cookie recipe. One that uses a walnut butter base to compensate for being egg free. Walnuts?! Ethan begins to tell me that his tongue doesn't feel right and is itchy. And then the mom sense kicks in. As Mike heads back to work after stopping home for lunch, I tell him not to worry, I'll call the allergist and see if we can give him Benadryl. You see, we have to check because the kid is already on every allergy medication and the kitchen sink! By this time, Ethan is telling me he wants to throw up and has decided to try and wipe off his tongue with a dry washcloth. He's never done this before... even when he's gotten hives from trace amounts of egg. I'm only a minute into the phone call with the nurse at the allergists office when she interrupts me to say, "You must give him an Epipen and call 911." And being the good mother I am, I say, "Really? I mean there are hives, but they're not too bad." The answer was, unequivocally, "Yes. Call 911. Now. Tongue issues with a child with multiple allergies is not a good sign." So the heart rate is definitely up and I call Mike to tell him. I locate the Epipen right away... except... well, one big problem. It's expired. I dial 911 and calmly give them our home address. Then I have the pleasure of telling Ethan, who is scratching his face and hanging out with Charlie in the chair, that a few people are coming over and to not worry. Within a minute--sirens blaring and lights ablaze--the first officer arrives. Ethan thinks this is the best thing to happen to a Tuesday afternoon ever. He's being held by Officer Mike! He gets to pretend to blow up a balloon! Soon we're joined by three EMTs from the fire department. I lock the dog in the basement, Mike arrives home, and we begin the process of explaining everything Ethan is allergic to and all of his medications. It's clear he's not in imminent danger or distress, but he does have hives, a huge allergic history, and has never reacted this strongly or quickly before. He's also never had tongue issues or swelling lips either. We make the decision to have him to to the ER after one of the EMTs says, "If it were my son, I'd want to be sure". We were worried that although he appeared ok, he could just have been compensating. And with Ethan, we don't play around with breathing issues. So Ethan and I had our first ambulance ride! The kid thought it was Christmas--despite the itching--strapped into the back, wires, beeping, and non-stop talking. He talked the entire way to the hospital and asked every question imaginable about every single thing in the back of that ambulance. I just took deep breaths and at one point thought, "well, I didn't think this would be how we'd spend this afternoon!" After a thorough check at the ER, some Benadryl, and some steroids, we were free to go. And we're now tree nut free, and peanut free, at our house until further notice. Two more days of steroids too. We are certain his reaction was from wiping his nose with his sleeve (yes, the sinus infections have returned)... he had some trace amounts of the cookie batter with the walnut butter on his sleeve. The transfer is what did it. He didn't even eat the batter or the cookie! Needless to say, those cookies will head to work with Mike tomorrow and the rest of the walnuts are out of the house.
By the time we got back to Whitewater, Ethan was sound asleep. But, once Colin was in the car, he woke up to tell him all about his amazing adventure. "And Officer Mike had a gun. I saw it! And they put a cool thing with a light on my finger and I got to ride into the hospital on one of those awesome beds with the wheels."
We are so fortunate things turned out the way they did, and we're so thankful for the fantastic responders... and our great friends to jumped in to manage Colin after school!
Perhaps it wasn't the most typical Tuesday after all.
March 30, 2010
Rock Wins
On Saturday, while driving to Madison, we were listening to the radio and talking about music.
Colin: Mom, you like folk music, right?
Mom: Yes, I do. I really like folk music. Especially music with mandolins.
Colin: But Dad really likes rock. And Ethan likes rock. And I like rock. Rock wins.
Dad: (hysterical laughter) He has a point. Rock wins.
Thus, Ozzy Osbourne on the radio.
Colin: Mom, you like folk music, right?
Mom: Yes, I do. I really like folk music. Especially music with mandolins.
Colin: But Dad really likes rock. And Ethan likes rock. And I like rock. Rock wins.
Dad: (hysterical laughter) He has a point. Rock wins.
Thus, Ozzy Osbourne on the radio.
Spring Break
Spring Break week was here and gone so quickly. Colin and Mike were both home and all of the boys enjoyed their time together. I heard a lot of "No Girls Allowed" during the week! Mike surprised the boys and took them to Discovery World in Milwaukee one day (pictures posted soon). We spent plenty of time outside enjoying the spring weather. Saturday, we all went to Madison for the day. I spent some time with my sister, parents and the Arnolds, while Mike took the boys to see a dairy, play at the park, head to the zoo, and have a special boys' lunch at Mickies Dairy Bar. We were all a little sad to see the week end!
March 21, 2010
Sunday Afternoon
When it snows...
When it snows after you've spent days outside since Spring arrived, you go to plan B. Especially if Dad has been travelling for days on end! Saturday, I planned a surprise craft for the boys. It was messy, it was gloopy, it involved tearing up paper. In short, they loved it! (And the final product still isn't finished--we'll share final photos when it's done.)
Ethan: Is God real?
Colin: Yes.
Ethan: Did He make me?
Colin: Yes He made you with Mom and Dad. God made everything.
Ethan: Oh. He made the hammerhead sharks?
Colin: Yes. Everything. But what I want to know is what was there before the bacteria, and the planets, and the galaxies and the dinosaurs. Before God.
Ethan: Hmmmm....
March 19, 2010
If only...
Colin has Spring Break next week. Today, when I picked him up from school he was saying good bye to his friends and teacher. We were talking about a family we know who will head down to Florida tomorrow. He said, "Mom, I know what we should totally do for Spring Break next week! I'm thinking San Fransisco." Ethan replied, "Sounds good. That way we can visit with Tony Hawk." I think I'll dial those plane tickets right up!
March 18, 2010
Best Mom Ever
In order to receive the title, "Best Mom Ever", follow these rules:
1) Play silly games with your kids at the park immediately after school.
2) Allow them to literally roll around in rocks, dirt, and grass.
3) Feed kids grilled cheese, apple slices, and carrots for dinner.
4) Let them read magazines at the dinner table, thus breaking one of the family rules.
5) For dessert, create a concoction of vanilla ice cream, Hershey's syrup, caramel sauce, whipped cream and leftover Halloween sprinkles.
Success rate if following these rules = 100%
March 17, 2010
Time to pick up the speed
At the park this afternoon, the boys were having an amazing time. And really, who could blame them? It was 62 degrees, sunny, and at least three other families we know were there. They were having fun running, chasing, digging, sliding, climbing, and playing pretend. I was enjoying time spent chatting with friends and just feeling the sun on my face.
At one point, all of the older kids were talking about their teachers:
I'm in Mrs. Schimming's class.
Oh, really, I've got Adlemeyer.
You go to Lincoln School? I'm at Washington.
Ethan, never one to be left out, says, "Yeah? Well, I go to home school. My mom is my teacher."
This is his latest, to tell everyone that he isn't in preschool, but goes to homeschool. He then explains that he is learning his sounds, plays puzzles, and practices his tracing.
Later on, when I was trying to get the kids to leave (after the five minute and two minute warnings of course), Ethan simply said no and took off running. He was laughing so hard. I watched him for a minute, and then decided to play a little bit more. I started chasing him around the grass. He looked back at me and said, "You know what Mom? You're really kind of slow."
Guess it's time to get training. I will never keep up with these boys!
March 16, 2010
Think before you speak
Apparently, Colin has heard the "think before you speak" comment, but tonight at dinner this was too funny not to share.
I had asked him to wipe off his face and clear his place before he went to play. He looked at me, then did a small eye roll and said,
"Mom.... oh, wait, I was going to say something but don't worry I just put it back into my brain." "What were you going to say Colin?"
"Well, I was going to say: Mom, you are just so bossy. Good thing I didn't say that huh?"
Gotta love this kid. And for the record I did not tell him that it wouldn't be the first time someone has said I was bossy!
March 14, 2010
He's listening...
This morning we walked up to church as usual--overly excited that it was nice enough to walk! Colin happily went with his friend Carson to Sunday School while Mike and I took Ethan to our usual pew. After the required dropping of crayons and a Batman toy, Ethan settled down with his bunny and a few books. Later during the sermon, he pulled my ear close to his face and whispered, "Can we please play whispering I Spy?" I smiled but told him we needed to listen to Pastor Steve. He shrugged. A few minutes later, he pulled me close again.
"Mom, is this real?"
"Is what real Ethan?"
"What this guy is talking all about with the brothers and the pig?"
Whoa, Ethan was listening! Today we heard the parable of Prodigal Son. Imagine the questions that our surprisingly attentive Ethan had in that moment. I answered as quietly and quickly as I could and then he was happy again, content to look at the beautiful glass, snuggle bunny and sit on my lap.
March 11, 2010
Conversation Starters...
Ethan's questions and comments for today:
1) Who made humans?
2) What about those macaroni penguins?
3) Can we talk about God a minute?
4) What's a cheese monger?
And from Colin...
1) Well, I've just really been thinking I need a pogo stick....
2) Some seals don't have ear flaps.
3) I'm going to go play fiction.
March 10, 2010
Happiness is...
March 08, 2010
Saturday was a fantastic day. I told the boys the night before there would be a surprise in the morning. When they woke up, I told them we were going on an adventure. They ate quickly and got dressed. We hopped in the van and headed out. Twenty minutes into the ride, Colin asked if we were headed to the interstate. Once on 90 headed north, he figured out we were probably going to Madison. Ethan fell asleep, but by the time we turned onto Regent, Colin had determined we were going to the zoo... and he was right! We picked up Dee Dee on the way and spent a glorious morning wandering around. Spring was in the air despite the cool temperatures. After our trip to the zoo, we went to Target so the boys could spend some of their own "spend" money. Colin got a new game for the Wii (a used one--who knew Game Stop even existed!?), and Ethan finally got some Littlest Pet Shop toys he's been craving. Yes, Ethan adores Littlest Pet Shop now. We came home after lunch at Dee Dee's apartment and arrived just in time to have dinner with Mike once he was home from work.
Mom and her boys
Ethan carrying Dee Dee's purse
Our favorite bird--
fabulous color and amazing tail feathers
Check out this wingspan!
I'm THIS big!
I'm three and a half!
March 01, 2010
Nature Walk
Colin was on his bike as soon as we were parked at home for good today. No matter that the thermometer only read 38 degrees--that felt like a heat wave to these little bodies who have run circles around the house for months. We pulled out Ethan's "Harley Bike" and they were both down the driveway in seconds, only slowing to avoid the remaining ice patches on the concrete. After we filled up the bird feeders, investigated both forts in the backyard, and threw snowballs for Charlie, it was time for the inaugural nature walk. Colin was on his bike, while Ethan was either running or riding in the jogger. We took our time, both boys splashing in the giant puddles, stopping to listen to a bird or check if that was really a rabbit print in the snow. We walked over to the path, around the bend, and then spent almost 20 minutes on top of the bridge over the creek. They were so still watching two pairs of ducks swim and dive and swim and dive. The creek is moving faster now as the melting comes more regularly--and Ethan just kept saying, "Mom, I think it is almost here. Really, it is. The Spring is almost here." Blue skies, the warmth of the sun, birds, and boys wet and covered in mud--sounds like almost spring to me. So much joy to be found in the ordinary days to be sure.
Finally, they worked!
This afternoon, we found out that for the first time since August, Ethan is sinus infection free! I never thought hearing the words "no frank pus" could sound so sweet. My poor sweet baby has had to endure enough doctor appointments these last months, and so so many medicines. The good news is that these medicines seem to be working. We are able to stop the antibiotics for now, continue with the extra two for three more months, and hope and pray that he's able to enter spring allergy season strong enough to not become infected again. We are taking each day as it comes and are so thankful that we have seen some healing in our littlest guy! Thanks to all of you for your kinds words, thoughts, and prayers as we've endured these last months of appointments and his surgery too. We love you all so very much.
Ethan's Photos
Beach Day
Colin Michael Dugan, 2/25/2010 at 7:32 a.m.
(with best brother Ethan by his side)
No the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This was what he selected for Beach Day at school. It was such a noticeable outfit that the school principal mentioned it to me when I was in a meeting later in the day. I guess most kids just wore hats. I say, just a hat, well no sir, we're going all in around here!
Super Family
Their best super family, superhero poses!
(Pretenting to be frozen/zapped by Mr. Freeze)
It's official. We have a Super Family. Both boys have decided that each of us belongs. We each have to wear special costumes and use our special powers to fight the "forces of darkness and the bad guys." I am happy to let them pretend that they are able to zap bad guys with green laser beams and a wave of their special gloves. It is better that they live in the land of pretend and not real darkness for as long as possible. I am allowed the pirate hat, Mike the fireman. Each of our sons has a cape to fly, gloves, and special shoes (or in Colin's case, socks). It is our new game and we love it. They laugh and giggle and pretend and we think there is nothing better to do than roll on the floor along with them.
Freeze Fest 2010
When you live in Wisconsin, you embrace the winter. You celebrate it and attempt to enjoy the ice, snow, sleet, and gray skies. Thankfully, in Whitewater, they do a great job every February helping that winter celebration with Freeze Fest. This year the boys and I participated in two events while Mike was home recuperating from a horrible flu (and resting in preparation for his recital). Colin, Ethan and I started the day with the Kiwanis pancake breakfast. They were amazed at the giant rotating griddle and the fact that so many of their friends were there too. And unlimited orange juice--what a delight! Although Ethan couldn't eat the pancakes because of his allergy, he did manage to eat eight sausages. No, I'm not making that up. The kid can pack away some sausage when he wants to. We had a grand time. Later that afternoon we loaded up the jogger and went to the library for the sled dogs. This was the second year they were able to ride around while being pulled by these amazing dogs! And one photo with the boys and their friend Isaac made it to the front page of the newspaper here. Colin thought that was fairly impressive. Next year I've promised we'll make it to the Chili Cook Off, Polar Plunge, and the Carriage Rides through town. A fun day for sure for us!
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