July 04, 2010



And, only one hour after school was over....

We've started our summer with a bang, and that includes some non-stop fun! Who said summer was for relaxing hasn't been around our house for long! Whew.

Let's see, we started off by surprising Colin after his last day of school. We picked him up with the car packed and headed down to St. Charles. Our original plan had been to go to the cottage, but an 80% chance of rain for four days put a wrench in the works!

Spending time in St. Charles is always fun, and although Mimi and Bubba weren't there, they were kind enough to let us use the house.

Colin was SO surpised when he got in the van and noticed that there were duffels in the back, along with Charlie. He loved it!

Friday we took the train, along with thousands of other Blackhawks fans, into the city. They went to the parade, and we high tailed it south to the Museum of Science and Industry, a favorite. Saturday we spent time with Chris, Colleen, Helen, and Maeve.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like fun and I'm glad to see the favorite t-shirt was along for the trip! :-)