February 08, 2010

Best Friends

Ethan made Valentine's today for everyone in our family while he was at Jaime's house. He even made one for Charlie (that had a sticker of a bone and a tennis ball on it)! The best was that he practiced writing his letters on the inside, and on Colin's he made sure to attempt to write "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER"! He was so proud handing them out.

"Colin this is for you because you are my best friend."
"Gee, thanks Ethan! Wow, that's nice. You're my best bud too."
(Genuine hugs then instant playing together).

Two minutes later...

"Colin, I don't want to do that."
"Ethan, you're not my best friend anymore. Actually, Emma is my best friend too now. And Mom, yeah, Mom is definitely my best friend. And since Eli and I decided two weeks ago we're never getting married, and since Mom is my best friend, I'm just going to live with her forever."
"Colin, you're MY best friend."
(Yes/No times ten)...

(Crying ensues)

Classic Dugan brothers!

Now tonight, they were hugging again and chose to sleep in the same room. Can't keep them apart for long!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Soooo sweet! <3 Of course, there has to be fighting and tears sandwiched in between those sweet, tender moments, because after all they are brothers. But, super duper sweet.