February 18, 2010

Look out Olympians!

Colin announced yesterday after his first ever attempt at cross country skiing in our backyard (thanks to borrowed skis from his friend Calvin):

Just so you know mom, I'm going to be an Olympic athlete some day and win a gold medal in skiing. And I won't quit. Ever. Just so you know.

Classic Colin. Just classic.

February 16, 2010

Fowl Fest 2010

At the end of the year last year, we participated in Swine Fest, a celebration of friends and family, and well, fabulous local ham. Ugly Christmas sweaters, crafts for the kids, and way too much fun...

So of course, the tradition needed to continue, thus Fowl Fest. Last Saturday we prepared the turkey, Paula Deen stuffing, and uncanned the foie gras from France in preparation. We also decided that we needed a "theme" and so decided to celebrate the Winter Olympics. (Side note: we LOVE the Olympics and any chance to watch, read about, or cheer on the USA is a fun time for us). We had Eric and Cire with amazing cranberry jello mold and Grandma Smith's cheesy potatoes, Merrilee and Keith with dessert--complete with Olympic rings and red and blue sprinkles, the Weigel family with amazing wine and scalloped corn (delicious), and Aunt Dee Dee had a great spread of appetizers. It was an amazing menu and a wonderful time. We were all in our red, white, and blue and even managed to locate a glass marker to really decorate! We let the kids run wild, we talked and talked and ate and ate, and then capped off the evening with a little dance party. What could be better on a cold February Saturday? Nothing, that's what.

The Entire Crew! (And sorry Mike, but this was the best of the group pictures!)
Please note large stuffed turkey--the mascot--Tyrone the Turkey
Eric and Cire

Happy Isaac dancing!
(Check out the awesome tablecloth in the background--Mandy found it for us at the D&S)
Official kids table. Yes, Colin is wearing a USA Hockey jersey... a Dee Dee find from the D&S!
Coloring official Vancouver 2010 pictures

Foie Gras, compliments of the Suiffets. For some reason, it tastes better while spread on crusty bread while on a picnic in France on a summer day.
Front door decoration
Colin requested this window... "Win Gold!"
(On the other side was Ethan's which just said "America!")
Go Team USA!
Chef Mike preparing the bird.

February 13, 2010

Three Wishes

For part of Colin's monthly homework, he had to answer this question:
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

Answers (without hesitation):
1) To be able to fly
2) To be strong enough to lift up a house
3) To turn into a robot if I wanted to

So typical of our sweet, superhero loving, six year old boy!

February 12, 2010

This just in....

We just got the official phone call from the immunologist and are thrilled to report that Ethan does NOT have an underlying immune deficiency! Whew! This makes our Friday for sure. He does have definite elevated levels of IgE though, which tells us he is an allergic kid. We already knew that, but didn't realize how allergic he was. So one more thing figured out. Hooray!

February 10, 2010

Steve's Birthday Celebration

A few pictures from Steve's birthday celebration held last Sunday. Yes, my little brother is THIRTY! (And yes, it makes his big sister feel very old...)

Steve had come to our house after a weekend skiing and snowboarding at Devil's Head. He decided to bring in the gear to show the boys--needless to say they were thrilled. Especially as we've been talking about the Winter Olympics for weeks!
Ethan wants to hit the half pipe!
Check out the form! (Ethan was hilarious with the skis!)

Uncle Steve with his nephews.... (Mimi and Bubba can be thanked for the fabulous hat).
Silly group photo. Yes, Steve is wearing a women's Christmas sweater and Valentine Sponge Bob sleepwear.
Mimi giving the boys gifts from Hawaii.

February 09, 2010

Because we're always up for an adventure...

Today we had a snowstorm. Nothing too blizzard like, although as I look outside right now it is still snowing and will for a few more hours. I think all in all we'll end up with almost 9 inches. Completely manageable for Wisconsin standards. After I dropped off Colin at school this morning, Ethan announced we needed an adventure. Our solution? We walked to the library in the snow and sleet. I should specify that I walked, Ethan was nestled into his fuzzy blue blanket in our jogger. (That stroller has been worth its weight in gold!) We were there by the time they unlocked the doors at 9am, and the look on the librarians face was priceless. Even better was the load of books we brought back with us. So many that I had to tuck them next to Ethan, had some in the pocket behind, and then I carried two bags myself. No need to workout after pushing a toddler in a stroller though four inches of snow while carrying books! It was such fun... and as you can see, Ethan had a great time.

We couldn't walk even two feet into the house before
Ethan had to start looking at his Hot Wheels book!

All tucked in after the ride back home!

February 08, 2010

Best Friends

Ethan made Valentine's today for everyone in our family while he was at Jaime's house. He even made one for Charlie (that had a sticker of a bone and a tennis ball on it)! The best was that he practiced writing his letters on the inside, and on Colin's he made sure to attempt to write "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER"! He was so proud handing them out.

"Colin this is for you because you are my best friend."
"Gee, thanks Ethan! Wow, that's nice. You're my best bud too."
(Genuine hugs then instant playing together).

Two minutes later...

"Colin, I don't want to do that."
"Ethan, you're not my best friend anymore. Actually, Emma is my best friend too now. And Mom, yeah, Mom is definitely my best friend. And since Eli and I decided two weeks ago we're never getting married, and since Mom is my best friend, I'm just going to live with her forever."
"Colin, you're MY best friend."
(Yes/No times ten)...

(Crying ensues)

Classic Dugan brothers!

Now tonight, they were hugging again and chose to sleep in the same room. Can't keep them apart for long!

February 07, 2010

Busy few days!

What a whirlwind the last few days have been! Mike was in MN for much of the end of January--and of course his trip coincided with my newest work adventures. I was asked to begin to do some orientations for the GED/Adult Basic Education program at the college where I work. I jumped at the chance to get my feet wet in another area and adored the experience. These students are so humbling--so many of them are considered "less than" by society--but I have such respect for their hard work ethic and ability to make necessary changes in their lives. This new adventure though meant four straight nights of work on top of my usual morning teaching load, and all when Mike was MIA! Thank heavens we have an amazing group of sitters who work with us regularly. We all survived that week and spent the first week of February recouping and just being together.

Mike actually mentioned last night, after an amazingly relaxing Saturday, that he likes being home during the week and on the weekend. "This must be how the other half lives huh?" We decided we like having him around! Everyone does, well except perhaps Charlie, who then has to share my cuddling in the bed with someone else!

Aside from work and school we've been spending way too much time at the doctor's office. With Colin we've been working to figure out the best way for him to learn. And with Ethan--well that's all about the sinuses. On January 26th he had a sinus CT scan at the local hospital. He was such a brave little guy and loved riding on the "magic doughnut ride". I was amazed at how he was able to stay so still--although being strapped to a peds board helped with that I'm sure. Since that appointment, we've had two more. One to discuss the results with the ENT, and another in Madison with his asthma/allergy doctor. In both instances we heard the news that the results of the scan were flat out "not good". I saw the results myself and his four little sinuses are just full of disease and infection. As of last Thursday, we're now waiting for the results from a full immunology work up to find out if there's an underlying reason his body isn't able to deal with this infection, even with all of the medicines he's been on. For the next month, our little happy E gets to use another three medications daily and is also on saline rinses every night. So his grand medication total is up to six per day. We are so thankful that during all of this we've had great, honest, thorough doctors helping us--and we are so thankful for our good health insurance too. Whew! And Ethan, well, he just thinks it's all one grand adventure. He takes all of his medicine like a champ--even the nasal sprays! He really doesn't know any different and as long as he gets to carry a car or Bakugan wherever we go, he's game.

This weekend we spent relaxing, sharing a Monsters vs. Aliens movie night, and celebrating Uncle Steve's 30th Birthday. It was hard to tell who was more excited, the boys or Steve during the opening of all 30 gifts! (Oh wait, it was definitely the boys).

Through it all...we've tried to have as much fun as possible along the way, whether it's dance parties, building giant blanket forts in the living room, or playing race cars in the basement... we're all trying to take pleasure in the little things.

Colin's latest belt ceremony...

Bowing to Coach (Sensei)
New belt!