January 06, 2009

Christmas 2008!

Our Christmas was a whirlwind--but oh so fun. It is nothing but joy filled when you have little ones who are to the brim with the magic of it all. Mike played the Nutcracker with the Madison Ballet this year, and so we really kicked off the festivities with Grammie and Pop (arriving from Cincinnati on the 23rd) treating us to a performance of the Nutcracker. It was Ethan's first major theater experience and both boys were wonderful audience members... better than some adults I might add. (Side note: must you wear your silly cell phone ear piece, blinking like a satellite on Christmas Eve afternoon while at the ballet? How do you clearly hear the musicians?) We went out for pizza in Madison after the show, drove near the lake to see Christmas lights and were home in time for the boys to open their one gift--yes, Star Wars light sabers for both of them! The next morning, we held off our early riser Ethan to 6:30am--he'd been up for an hour at that point--and then the boys got down to Santa business. Colin was overjoyed that he got the Leapster, and Ethan's scream about his "big Hot Wheels city toy" must've been heard down the block. Mike and I were shocked when we opened a Wii... especially since I've always sworn we'd never be a video game household! But, oh how we love to bowl, and play tennis. And I'm saving my pennies for Rock Band 2... just give me that microphone now! After our Christmas here in Wisconsin, we headed south to St. Charles for a few days. We were able to see some dear friends and celebrate with the Smiths--lots of game playing of course. Farkle anyone? No pictures from that leg since Steve and my Dad have the fancy cameras! All in all, a wonderful celebration.

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