May 08, 2009

The Dugan Boys

Thanks go to Grammie for the wonderful matching t-shirts!

That's our Colin...

Colin is Mr. Imagination these days. He brings "inventions" to school daily, discusses invisible beings and creatures, and is full of ideas about how things work. He'll also talk your ear off about his latest interest--the praying mantis? Check. Pluto? Check. The way the Ice Man uses mutation to be a superhero? Check.

Here's a photo I took this morning--he needed to shave before school--just like Dad.

And one from yesterday afternoon.... because you always want to combine riding and reading. And yes, he was actually riding and reading for quite awhile!

Tumblin' Tots

Monday was Ethan's last tumbling class--and all in all he loved the experience. Especially getting to play with bean bags he was actually allowed to throw willy-nilly! And he's not half bad on the balance beam either.

Outdoor Lovin' Boys

Another glorious morning spent amongst the trees on the John Muir trail... the boys now can name at least two bird calls accurately. We need the fresh air now like fish need water. Sunday found us back in the park, this time across the road doing the Nordic trials with Mimi & Bubba. Nothing better.


Well, we always joked that Ethan would be our first child to take us to the ER for a non-asthma related reason... and that was the truth! Last Friday, as we were wrapping up Colin's karate class, Ethan took off out of the waiting area, tripped and smacked his head into the doorjam. Smacked isn't even a term that accurately desribes the sound of his forehead hitting the wood, the audible gasp from the other parents, and his split second silence... then screaming. We spent 20 minutes there stopping the bleeding and icing (thank goodness for the mommy-triage) then went to our local doctor who then sent us to the ER. Because who doesn't want to spend a Friday evening in the ER with two young children? There was a concern about internal bleeding due to the force of the impact, as well as some behavior he had in the two hours folloiwng the incident. There was talk about having a CT scan, but thankfully, after a few hours, he was fine. He looked awful, was hungry and off the wall exhausted, but overall fine. We had to wake him up that night every few hours, but the next morning he was reading and willing to tackle a hike with Aunt Mandy, who was visiting from Minneapolis! The photo is from the trail that morning... Today you can see just the lovely, post bruising yellow....Thank goodness for the thick skull! (And yes, we will now invest in extra bandaids and ice packs!)