I am the Queen of Books
Have I got a book for you
The book is Many Waters
By Madeline L'Engle
And the book is really COOL!
Since then, my family will randomly remind me of this stint (and the famous last day of school when Mr. Newby played the tape for the entire class--much to my embarrassment).
Now, as a full fledged book lover and weekly library fiend, I am trying to pass this love of books to the boys. I know full well that avid readers are avid life long learners. What better lesson to teach and model? Anna Quindlan said it best:
I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.
So, for those of you who need recommendations for books, or are curious about what this all-grown-up Queen of Books is reading currently, check out the new widget to the right. I am finally switching from my little blue reading journal to the electronic record keeping. And I hope to develop an account for the boys as well.
Happy Reading dear friends!
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
-Dr. Seuss