October 30, 2008


A great deal... and a great way to get started early on those holiday gifts! You can use the link above or enter code SCLB30 when checking out using the standard website, http://celebratingbarefoot.com!

October 27, 2008

Going Barefoot

Yes, it’s true, I’ve gone Barefoot in the chilly late fall weather! I’ve become a virtual stallholder of Barefoot Books for children and young adults. I have fallen in love with these books and this company, whose values include the following:

Inspiring Creativity
Celebrating Diversity
Giving Back
Building Community
Protecting the Planet

As a mother, and teacher, and all around book fanatic… being involved with a company whose values mimic my own is important. I hope to be able to recommend meaningful and thoughtful books for families.

And as a library lover, please also check out Barefoot Books at your local library. If you or your children love any enough to want to own one, come back here and buy one through me. You can click on the link at the side of this page, or use my website, http://celebratingbarefoot.com/. And I am always able to work with you via online or catalog ordering.

I thought long and hard before deciding to sell these books, however, I would talk your ear off about this company and these books, small change aside. They just have the right idea. Period. And at the end of the day, having beautiful, thoughtfully written books, that I can happily share with my sons, well, that is something I value without question.

Thank you so much for your support!

One of the best things...

...about living in southern Wisonsin is being close to family that we get to see more often! Enjoy the pictures of a recent visit with my cousin Eric's kids, Cire and Audra... and then our weekend getaway to Dodgeville! We spent the afternoon and then evening with my aunt and uncle. A trip to a pumpkin farm, a bison farm, and lots of football watching ensued. It's been so much fun for all of us!

We finally meet!

As many of you know, I spent 14 weeks on bedrest to make sure Ethan arrived full term. During those long weeks, I connected to a group of women from all over the country through the miracle of internect technology. Our babies were born and a small group of us has continued to maintain friendships. These women are some of my best friends, and until a few weeks ago, I had only spoken to them by phone, exhanged messages and mail. Then we moved to Wisconsin! Now Cori and I live only 40 minutes apart. We had our first meeting a few weeks ago. The boys and I headed up to Madison to meet Cori, her husband Jason, and their two kids--Kira and Dylan--in person! We had a fantastic time. And can't wait until our next playdate.

October 13, 2008

Honor Lisette's memory...

As some of you know, our dear friends Bill and Katie, suffered a horrible loss last week--the death of their newborn daughter Lisette. Katie experienced a PROM at 20 weeks, and although they did all they could, Lisette was born just five days later. She was able to be baptized, loved and cuddled, before she passed away.

We have felt the burden of prematurity with Colin's birth at 34 weeks as a result of a PROM, and then fighting 14 weeks to keep Ethan from coming too soon.

If you are moved to do so, please make a donation in her honor.... and to fight to ensure that all babies get their nine months.

October 04, 2008

What a wonderful day...

We spent a glorious day today with our new neighbors and friends in East Troy, WI. The Michael Fields Agricultural Institute held its harvest festival and we spent the day walking their land, investigating antique farm equipment, listening to live bluegrass, and sampling delicious foods. Our other neighbor was also there sharing her sustainable flowers and vegetables. The boys got their faces painted, got to see real beehives, and loved the long hayride. The weather could not have been more perfect! Mike has been so busy with his work lately, it was a real treat for all of us to be together with our new friends.


Last weekend, when it was still September, we took part of the day and spent it in Lake Mills, WI. We were returning Grandma Bette's car, which we borrowed while our VW was in the shop--and it was such a beautiful day,unseasonably warm too, so a picnic was in order. Good thing I ran back inside to pack the boys' swim suits! They had a ball playing in the water and sand. A wonderfully relaxing morning and early afternoon.