December 12, 2008
Soon and very soon...
November 07, 2008
It's just a regular day at the Dugans...
Life with these boys is always entertaining!
November 03, 2008
Halloween 2008!
November 02, 2008
Over the river and through the woods...
Have we mentioned how much we like being closer to family and friends?!
October 30, 2008

October 27, 2008
Going Barefoot
Yes, it’s true, I’ve gone Barefoot in the chilly late fall weather! I’ve become a virtual stallholder of Barefoot Books for children and young adults. I have fallen in love with these books and this company, whose values include the following:
Inspiring Creativity
Celebrating Diversity
Giving Back
Building Community
Protecting the Planet
As a mother, and teacher, and all around book fanatic… being involved with a company whose values mimic my own is important. I hope to be able to recommend meaningful and thoughtful books for families.
And as a library lover, please also check out Barefoot Books at your local library. If you or your children love any enough to want to own one, come back here and buy one through me. You can click on the link at the side of this page, or use my website, And I am always able to work with you via online or catalog ordering.
I thought long and hard before deciding to sell these books, however, I would talk your ear off about this company and these books, small change aside. They just have the right idea. Period. And at the end of the day, having beautiful, thoughtfully written books, that I can happily share with my sons, well, that is something I value without question.
Thank you so much for your support!
One of the best things...
We finally meet!
October 13, 2008
Honor Lisette's memory...
We have felt the burden of prematurity with Colin's birth at 34 weeks as a result of a PROM, and then fighting 14 weeks to keep Ethan from coming too soon.
If you are moved to do so, please make a donation in her honor.... and to fight to ensure that all babies get their nine months.
October 04, 2008
What a wonderful day...
September 25, 2008
September 21, 2008
Aunt Mandy came to town!
Lots of pictures to share!
I hope this works--it is a much easier way to share more than a few pictures at once. You'll see pictures from our crazy end of summer... including our trip to Hershey, PA... visits with our friends the Migely's before the move, our neighborhood going away party--complete with cheese curds, party ball, fireworks, and cheese head hats--and a final trip to Sunny Side Up and the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Enjoy!
September 20, 2008
The first day of school...
Here's a quick picture of Mike in the early morning before his first official day... and one of Colin (aka Mr. Photogenic) before we walked to his school as well. Colin is not in kindergarten this year, as he JUST turned 5 right before the cutoff date and we decided another year of pre-k would be the best fit for him. He's attending a prekindergarten program at the UWW Children's Center which as been fantastic so far. He goes five mornings a week and absolutely loves the college students he is able to interact with. Oh and of course, Ethan couldn't be left out!
We're HERE!
Well, as of August 25th we are now official Wisconsinites. We have slowly settled into our new normal and for the most part we are loving the change. I am now home for the first time ever with the boys while Mike works long days at UWW. We both have welcomed the transition! Mike really enjoys teaching, and I am loving trips to the library, park, and lots of time for reading and cooking. Being so much closer to our family near Chicago has been wonderful as well. The last month or so has been a blur as we spent several days in Pennsylvania visiting with Mike's family and mourning the loss of his Grandma, almost a week in northern Wisconsin at Summer Haven with my parents, we packed up in Minneapolis--and spent lots of time trying to have fun with our neighborhood crew and close friends (and Mandy of course), I finished my job, and moved in to our new home. Then just four days later we were back on the road again for my cousin Tyler's wedding! Colin turned 5 and Ethan turned 2 within 10 dyas of our arrival--mix in the first days of school for both Mike and Colin and whew! We still have boxes to unload, but we're getting there. Today, we were able to enjoy the fantastic weather and spent time with two other faculty members and their families (with all boys!) It was such a good time. Hopefully, we'll update more regularly now!
July 15, 2008
A quick catch up
We will post pictures of the every busy and growing boys just as soon as we are able... Bear with us during this crazy and exciting time! Being a Dugan is always "dynamic"!
May 20, 2008
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
Go Red Sox!
Being silly!
New York City in Springtime...
Just enjoying life!
Easter 2008
We're still here!
February 22, 2008
Colin's first memorized poem!
February 21, 2008
January 31, 2008
Ethan's Moves
(Colin clearly doesn't like to be out of the spotlight!)